Monday, March 16, 2009

1st Day on New Wheels

Well, I started the blog with intentions of "blogging" I'm the only person I know who has a blog and who doesn't blog!! I'm going to give it a whirl and try to get more organized about this. It's nice to update everyone, but it is one more thing to add to the already going~too~fast~jammed~packed~days..........

We took the kids to get new bikes over this past weekend. Something we had told them we were going to do in "the Spring" since last Fall {the last time I blogged, lol} The best part is that it was so nice today that Daddy got to help them take the bikes for a spin.

Trey LUVS his "Bumble Bee Hummer". He is obsessed with Bumble Bees and so he went with the Yellow & Black Hummer Bike :) Hopped right on in Toys'R'Us and took off {the hysterical part being Dad chasing him around the shelving and up the isles!!!} NOTE that the Rain Boots are now a new must have accessory, rain or shine, hmmmmmm

Lola suddenly has interest in the Disney Fairies so you can take a stab at her bikes theme........... As of last Fall, we were on this 2 and a half year span of working diligently to help her learn to ride a bike. I even went and purchased the smallest bike I could find thinking that would help, it didn't. She would repeatedly try to peddle backwards and slam on the breaks {going absolutely NO WHERE} It goes along with her total lack of coordination............note that her mouth has total coordination :) She IS riding her bike, and quite well I must add. We were pleasantly surprised (and RELIEVED not to have to go through yet another stressful training session on how to peddle!)

I felt I needed to capture and share this moment b/c I know that today's events will be a thing of the past sooner then I would like.